# Job Requirements

Outlined below are essential considerations for my prospective job role. They are prioritized: must-haves, negotiable, and bonus features.

  • A flexible, four-day workweek prioritizing measurable goals over quantifiable output.
  • An opportunity to shape and evolve the workplace culture is essential. Eager to overcome the barriers of “status quo” thinking and drive change that enhances organizational efficiency and work-life quality.
  • Have an effective manager that has duties with active peer feedback, career progression, understanding of my day to day, and consistent one-on-ones. This will ensure that the relationship will be beneficial both ways.
  • Accessibility and openness of communication with team members and colleagues across the organization. Expecting the opportunity to engage in one-on-one meetings, ensuring that scheduling such meetings will typically take place within a week’s notice.
  • Encompassing engineering within the product development cycle involves active customer engagement to develop effective, user-friendly solutions. The three core disciplines of design, product management, and engineering must collaborate seamlessly throughout the process.
  • Effective and streamlined communication is a crucial requirement. The central tenet is that ‘information should be readily available and easily accessible.’
    • Implementation of a well-structured information architecture is vital, supplementing keyword searches with a system that assigns priority to documents.
    • The preferred sequence for information retrieval should be Company Wiki > Slack/Email > Direct Personal Inquiry, conditional on the above requirement.
    • Maintenance of up-to-date documentation is essential:
      • All links should be functional, ensuring no dead ends or error pages.
      • Each page should have a link to it, via table contents, follow through from another page, etc. to allow for discovery and importance.
      • If the author of any document is no longer part of the organization, the team must update the contact on that document. If they cannot, it must be identified as abandon literature.
      • If a page reaches a certain date of infrequency of not having been updated, having no visitors, etc. then it should be marked as a stale automatically.
    • Transparency in team structures, roles, and projects is necessary. Clear information about team memberships, individual responsibilities, and collaborative interactions should be readily available.
    • Understanding the entirety of the company and cultivating meaningful relationships holds significant value. However, it is equally crucial to sustain these connections over time. Constantly having to reestablish relationships every quarter due to reaching Dunbar’s number can be an arduous task.